Insights on Ascension as a Student Pilot
Cessna 172
This year I decided to take flight lessons and become a private pilot. I felt like my life was stagnating and I needed a new challenge. I have always enjoyed flying, but honestly, commercial flying is a bummer these days. Stepping into this new path has been an adventure, an overwhelming and over-stimulating adventure, but one I am now ready to talk about as I move closer and closer to my license. Here are six insights on Ascension that I’ve been learning as a student pilot.
1. Flying moves you closer to fifth dimensional reality and beyond. Flying is nothing like driving a car. Once you learn how to drive, your subconscious pretty much runs the show and you don’t even really have to think about it. You train your body what to do and it reacts for you while you are in traffic. You’re on a two-dimensional plane and you don’t have to talk to other drivers. Driving is so easy compared to flying! Flying works in three axes, the pitch, the roll and the yaw. You’re in a three dimensional space and there is so much to focus on. You not only need to know what’s in front of you, but what’s above and below you. The first month was completely overwhelming and I considered just quitting. In fact, I learned that many new pilots do just that. Other pilots told me I would be tired after one hour of flying, comparing it to about six hours of driving. I learned to take a lot of naps. Being in that multi-dimensional space has helped me realize that I am a multi-dimensional Being. There is much more to experience than this reality, and I welcome those experiences.
2. FAA requirements do not match reality of what you really need to succeed. The same is true in life. Forty hours of flight time is simply not enough time to learn and be confident for most people. This is why the average time to get a license is almost double the requirement. Even if you are incredibly intelligent, intelligence is only part of the equation to success. You are also training your body to make adjustments quickly as you react to conditions. Essentially you are training yourself to operate in a completely different reality and you can reasonably expect to take about 70 – 80 hours for a private pilot license. The same is true in Ascension. How can you expect to change your dimensional reality instantly without any work? It’s a process of small steps that lead to big results. For example, if you don’t ever spend any time meditating or looking within, how can you expect to train your body to relax? How can you expect your mind to be calm and still if you’re constantly stimulating it? Give yourself permission to take as long as you need and don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone is on their own ascension path.
3. To be a new pilot means adjustments, such as to be a morning person. Adaptability is a key in flying. Since time is relative anyway, this one has taken some adjustment on my part. The best flight conditions tend to be early in the morning when the wind is calm. As a self-proclaimed night person most of my life, this has opened my mind and body to a new way of seeing and experiencing time. Changing your schedule changes your energy. Changing your energy changes your reality. Try moving your schedule around and see what shifts for you. I now appreciate the beauty of the dawn. And naps.
4. Flying is expensive. Just like any schooling that is worthwhile, it’s an investment in time and money. But rather than seeing it as a detriment, it’s much better to look at anything worthwhile as an investment in yourself. I have spent thousands of dollars over the last 20 years investing in my training. Training in palmistry, training in Qigong, training in various forms of energy healing techniques, training in meditation. All these trainings have helped to mold me into the person I am now as an Ascension Coach. As a student on Earth, which all of us are, I invite you to look at training as an opportunity to grow, and this growth never stops. Ascension training is no different, when you choose to commit, your ascension is inevitable.
5. Flying opens other doors of learning. For example, pilots have to be amateur meteorologists, amateur mechanics, cartographers, great decision makers and the ultimate multi-taskers. Oh, and also great communicators. When I did my first pre-flight, I learned that I would be climbing on the airplane and actually measuring the fuel in each wing. This is a physical endeavor! I’m also learning about engines and how they work, clouds, fog and wind, how to read aviation maps, airport diagrams and airport taxiway signs. I’m also learning a whole new alphabet and how to communicate to the tower and other pilots. I practice reading license plates when I drive. That one is “Alpha, Charlie, Juliet 6 4 4.” There’s also learning about how the airplane flies including the angle of attack, stalls, density altitude and what to do in a 7700 emergency. All this learning is creating new neural connections in the brain, which creates greater intuition and the ability to stay calm with an overabundance of stimuli. As we ascend, we will be increasing our abilities in many areas. We will become more telepathic, mor psychic and more able to see and know truth. Your brain is malleable and learning new things helps to make it work better and better.
6. Flying is opening the door to new connections and new opportunities. Whenever you go out and do something new, you’re going to grow and evolve. You’ll meet new people and have new conversations. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter what it is you choose, it certainly doesn’t have to be flying. In fact, I only recommend this path for those of you with short fingers, the Fire and Earth hands. You also have to be in relatively good health. You have to pass a physical before you take your first flight. My eyes have always been sharp, but even I had a hard time reading the tiny letters across the room. My point is, take stock of who you are and where you are in your life. If there is something you want to do, don’t wait until you’re too old or too sick to do it. There is always something new to try no matter what. If you’re still here, you’re still learning. Little steps lead to big changes, but it’s up to you to take it, no one else is responsible for your life.
I will be sharing more of my flying adventures as I move closer to my private pilot license. If there’s something new that you’re working on, please share in the comments. If you’re a pilot or a student pilot, share that too! Want to learn more about Ascension? That’s my specialty! I’ve created an all new Personal Ascension Formula based on your hand analysis. Click here to learn more and I’ll see you in the sky.