Soul Contracts

Let’s first answer the obvious question, what is a Soul Contract?


A soul contract is an obligation you agree to complete with another soul prior to incarnating.

This obligation is typically associated with karma that has been accumulated by your soul or the other soul. However, it could also be a contract created for specific soul growth.

Relationships are forged in spirit and in many lifetimes. Not all of these relationships carry a Soul Contract.

Typically the more important relationships in your life do and always your parents and siblings are carefully chosen prior to entering your body.

But as you also know, certain contracts may be completed in other lifetimes, not necessarily the one you are currently living.

When you connect with your Higher Self, such as in meditation, you may choose to ask about specific relationships to learn about the current condition of it. Accessing the Akashic Archives or through a tarot reading may also reveal information.

Many times you may also be able to declare a contract complete, especially if you have already learned the lesson associated with that person.

The key is in the learning.

Otherwise you will simply attract another person who will continue showing you the same lesson in a slightly different reality. This is why it is so important to understand the role the other person is playing.

What are the dynamics being played out for both sides? If you die before the lesson is fully learned you will continue it again in another lifetime. This is also why it is important to look at and make progress in lessons.

Love is always the way through.

Don’t try to avoid lessons, rather try to learn why certain people are in your life and what they are trying to teaching you from this soul perspective.


My passion and purpose is guiding others on their Ascension path. If you are looking for some additional guidance, reach out and let’s chat!

Send me an email to or use the contact page!

Until next time, to your infinite light,

Cynthia Clark | Spiritual Intuitive, Hand Analyst & Tarot Expert


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