Life Seem Unfair? Try This Justice Invocation

Invocations are like poems.

Words have power and invocations bring that power into your energy field and the field of the planet. When spoken through the heart, it elevates their vibrational capacity even further.

I have been channeling many invocations to assist you in your process. This one is to assist you with seeming injustices.

First, place your hands in the Justice Archetype mudra. A mudra is simply a hand position that works like a circuit, connecting your heart and brain together in harmony.

All the archetypal mudras are located in my book, Stories in Your Hands: Discover Your Authentic Destiny Using Palmistry & Tarot.

To connect to the Justice archetype in a mudra, first place the palms together at the base away from the thumbs.

Next, bring the middle fingers together at the fingernails. Place all other fingers and the thumbs in an open position (see the picture below.)

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Here is the invocation to connect and reclaim fairness:

The universe is fair and just.

Release now all drudge and lust.

I call upon my inner light.

And see that it was just a fright.

Justice is near, justice is here

I claim and hold the scales of balance.

All is well, all is right

We are moving out of the night.

Speak this invocation out loud to remind you of your spiritual birthright as a Being of Power.

For you are powerful, more than you know.

You may also speak this invocation over any grid.


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